Sunday, November 24, 2013

Theatre SKAM Project

I was fortunate enough to be asked to do collage illustrations for Theatre SKAM's 2014 season by Clint Hutzulak of Rayola Creative. This is what my table looked like a couple of weeks ago when I was first culling my collection of images to find those that could be used for seven different plays. The pieces of paper taped on the wall behind the table are notes on each of the plays, placed there to help guide me in my image choices.

And what a roller-coaster ride these past two weeks have been, with some of the collages coming together quickly, some coming together at the 11th hour when I thought I had nothing for them, and some going through several revisions. I have a lot of source material, but I don't have everything that the world has to offer... everything that ever was.

Or do I?

I'll post some of the collages in the days to follow. Meanwhile check out these links...

Rayola Creative:
Theatre SKAM:

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